I posted this question to some people on another message board earlier this year, but wantd to update the debate. I received an email from a fan about a month ago, with a link to a web site that sells football themed Rosaries (www.TouchdownRosary.com). My question to you is, have we gone to far?
Praying before games is one thing, espcially if it's between to schools of the same faith, but what about players of different faiths. Faiths that don't believe in Jesus as anything other than a man? Isn't it hard enough for a kid at the high school age not to feel like an outsider as it is already?
And what about athletes praying after TDs? Or thanking god in interviews? I mean thanking the guy for keeping you from getting injured seems in bounds, but asking to rush for 200 yards, should get you a 15 yard penalty.
I'll never forget a quarterfinal playoff game between a private religous school & a public school where the private player who was having a great game kept taking a knee after a TD and pointing upwards. A few other players would gather around with him as well, they'd make the sign of the cross and say something.
He was warned the first time, but repeated the action on another TD. Before anyone could even get close to him the ref was screaming and grab him by the sholder pads and pulled him up. This was a small school & the fans were in the endzone. Some of the threats that came out at this ref were hardly becoming of someone of even no faith.
Was the ref really a jerk, or was this kid pushing it?
Basically, do you think God plays favorites? Because if he doesn't, why would someone make a football rosary?
Vincent Johnson
-- Edited by IHSFW at 03:27, 2006-08-14
Vincent Johnson/Editor-in-Chief
Somebody has to cover the entire state.
I posted this question to some people on another message board earlier this year, but wantd to update the debate. I received an email from a fan about a month ago, with a link to a web site that sells football themed Rosaries (www.TouchdownRosary.com). My question to you is, have we gone to far? Praying before games is one thing, espcially if it's between to schools of the same faith, but what about players of different faiths. Faiths that don't believe in Jesus as anything other than a man? Isn't it hard enough for a kid at the high school age not to feel like an outsider as it is already? And what about athletes praying after TDs? Or thanking god in interviews? I mean thanking the guy for keeping you from getting injured seems in bounds, but asking to rush for 200 yards, should get you a 15 yard penalty. I'll never forget a quarterfinal playoff game between a private religous school & a public school where the private player who was having a great game kept taking a knee after a TD and pointing upwards. A few other players would gather around with him as well, they'd make the sign of the cross and say something. He was warned the first time, but repeated the action on another TD. Before anyone could even get close to him the ref was screaming and grab him by the sholder pads and pulled him up. This was a small school & the fans were in the endzone. Some of the threats that came out at this ref were hardly becoming of someone of even no faith. Was the ref really a jerk, or was this kid pushing it? Basically, do you think God plays favorites? Because if he doesn't, why would someone make a football rosary? Vincent Johnson
-- Edited by IHSFW at 03:27, 2006-08-14
At every Catholic school hosted game that I have ever been to, the prayers before the game are offered for the safety and well being of both teams and for the inspiration to the players of both teams to play to their potential regardless of outcome. To ask God to give you strength in any endeavor is appropriate. To thank God for any success is equally appropriate. I don't care what religion one practices, recognizing that one's entire existence is dependent on the Creator is in no way wrong. I am not a terribly religious guy, but I do respect that others might need to express theirs in different ways than I do.
Those are great points which is why I've brought this topic up. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a rant on pre game prayer at religious schools. My main source of the "Have we gone to far?" question is the football rosary and the fact that it's presented for sale much like a performance enhancing drug.
Praying at the onset of a game for the safety of the players is not by any means crossing a line. Even a straight atheist would be a top rate jerk to yell at somebody who asked their god to watch over him.
Now gathering in a group after practice or before kick off as a team at a non-religious school, asking Jesus for strength, might make a Jewish, Muslim or Hindu, to name a few, feel a little left out.
Then using a rosary like it was the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch with 2 minutes left in the game, might not harm anyone, but if you are religious, isn't that blasphemous?
And as far as the end zone praying thing... Make the sign of the cross, point to the sky & walk off the field. When you and half the team gather in the end zone for an "Our Father" of the touchdown, it's not a religious thing, it's a celebration.
Vincent Johnson/Editor-in-Chief
Somebody has to cover the entire state.
I see where Vincent is coming from about the praying to stay healthy and then praying for a 200 yard game. God doesn't play favorites, but I don't think it's wrong to pray to God, asking for power that that person can use through God to have a good performance...if that made any sense.
I'm just saying that I don't have a problem with players praying before, during, or after a game as long as being righeous about it. AKA, they're not trying to be like Gentiles and look like a better person for praying when they don't really believe in the significance of praying.
To clarify. There's no concern. No one is being hurt, discriminated against or otherwise abused.
Since the message board is new, and people need to register to use the board, I'm basically trying to start a series of questions on topics related to high school football or sports in some way.
Like all endeavours one has in life they usually want them to be successful. The site & the message board are part of my endeavour.
Sometime later this week I will have another question or post on a topic I feel is relevant to the sport.
I choose this topic (going to far with relegion) because I received a email (about the football rosary) from someone who thought it might be of some interest to me. Placing other examples may have taken away from the original focus of the email, which is the fact that I think a football rosary is rediculous. But, since I was on the topic I included some other areas to broaden the discussion.
The poll at the top, asking about god helping a winning team only if their oppoent is evil, is a direct reference to how silly I think the whole rosary thing is. I could go back and edit the orginal post, but I just don't feel right about putting something out there then taking it back. Call it sudo-ethics or whatever.
As with stories that are posted on the site, I try best not to offend, but it's really hard to have conversations about things that are not contriversial.
Thank you, Vincent Johnson
Vincent Johnson/Editor-in-Chief
Somebody has to cover the entire state.
I see nothing wrong with the football rosary. However, I personally would not get it. I think everyone has their own way of cheering for their favorite team. If it's a football rosary, so be it.
I don't think God will help you win a game. God will listen to prayers about safety and stuff like that. God will do whats best for his kingdom, and sometimes the team that loses, God is using that somehow for his glory.